Goosechase App

Instructions for accessing the Goosechase app.

Using Goosechase App

The Goosechase App is a great way to involve families in the Pyramid Model.


  1. Download the Goosechase App
  2. Register for a personal account to get credit for completing adventures.
  3. Click on the search bar and type in the code "4Parents" for the statewide game OR enter the code provided by your childcare site.
  4. Your family will be a team. You can choose to use your family name or keep everything completely private by using a unique name. If other adults in the family want to join your team you can give them your code. Prizes will be earned as a family.
  5. Once in the game, you'll be presented with a variety of adventures for you and your team to complete. Adventures will require photo/video or text submissions. To complete a mission, select it from the list and hit the 'Snap Evidence' button. Then scroll to the bottom to submit. Let the FUN begin!