Emotional Literacy Part B


About the Training

The development of emotional literacy skills is important for all young children. When we help children begin to identify, understand, express, and manage their emotions; we set them up for success! As we unpack emotional literacy, we will share activities, strategies, and resources to increase opportunities for preschoolers to increase their emotion vocabulary so they can begin to understand their own feelings as well as the feelings of others and begin to learn ways to manage their emotions.  

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to define emotional literacy and explain why it is important.
  • Participants will be able to identify ideas, strategies, and resources for helping preschoolers increase their emotion vocabulary, learn what different emotions feel like, and strategies for beginning to manage emotions.
  • Participants will be able to identify at least two ideas/strategies to expand on their current practices for promoting emotional literacy. 

Presenter - Tweety Yates

Dr. Tweety Yates is retired from the Department of Special Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). She has continued to work on a grant funded project at UIUC focused on professional development for early intervention (birth to three) personnel. Dr. Yates is a member of the Pyramid Model Consortium faculty and has been involved with material development and training on the Pyramid Model for more than 25 years. Her research interests include social emotional development, caregiver- child interaction (Parents Interacting with Infants - PIWI), early literacy, and professional development.

Additional Resources

Presentation Slides

Utah Resource Handout