Applications for URLEND Are Open!

By Justin Poulsen | January 24, 2025
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Gretchen Peacock, Ph.D., can help with questions about healthcare and
community trainee applications.

Do you or your child have a disability or special healthcare need? Are you interested in improving your leadership and/or advocacy skills? Are you a healthcare student or professional? This is the place for you! 

The Utah Regional Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, or URLEND, is an organization dedicated to training individuals to move beyond discipline boundaries and provide optimal services to children with special healthcare needs. URLEND operates with a family-centered and culturally-responsive framework when working with children. 

URLEND covers five states: Utah, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming. URLEND operates jointly with the University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Department of Pediatrics; Utah State University’s Insitute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice; and the Sorensen Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence. 

URLEND offers trainings to professionals, graduate students, and community members. Self-advocates, parents, and guardians help to increase the leadership and advocacy skills, providing valuable insight with lived experiences. 

The program will run from August to April, with 300 hours of training. That is about 10 hours a week. Trainees will receive a stipend of approximately $5,000 for program completion. It will involve weekly seminars by zoom on Friday afternoons, weekly assignments, engagement with trainees in healthcare, and participation in a team leadership project. 

Applications for the 2025-26 training year are open! The deadline for applications is March 28, 2025.  

Apply as a parent or self-advocate on the URLEND website. If you have any questions as a parent or self-advocate, please email Gina Money.

To apply as a Healthcare Discipline trainee, submit your applications here on the URLEND website. 

To apply as a Community Trainee, submit your applications here on the URLEND website. 

If you have questions about the application process as a Healthcare Discipline or Community trainee, you can contact Gretchen Peacock.

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