Cache County Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV)

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program is designed to empower families from pregnancy through kindergarten age with the Parents as Teachers curriculum. This evidence-based, no-cost home visiting program is dedicated to offering holistic support to families with young children. By focusing on parent-child interaction, development-centered parenting, and family wellness, our program is committed to nurturing strengths and skills within each family.

We are currently enrolling families! 

The Cache County MIECHV Program includes friendly home visits, family connection groups, and access to helpful resources throughout the community. Together, these elements create a supportive framework that promotes family resilience and child development. Families may enroll or register for the waitist beginning with pregnancy and remain in the program until the child enters kindergarten.

We support a wide variety of families.

  • First time parent
  • Pregnant and under age 21
  • At least one child under 6 years old
  • Household member who is serving or has served in the military
  • Foster care or other temporary caregiver
  • Housing instability
  • Low birth weight or preterm birth
  • Death of an immediate family member (within the last 5 years) 
  • Recent immigrant or refugee
  • And more... contact us for more details!


Cari Gongora

Cari Gongora

Program Coordinator

Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice

Phone: 435-797-2356
Office Location: IDRPP Building
Tressa Johnston

Tressa Johnston

Principle Investigator

Institute of Disability Research, Policy & Practice

Office Location: IDRPP Building
Ashley Watson

Ashley Watson

Parent Educator

Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice

Phone: 435-797-2356

The Cache County MIECHV Program is a Parents as Teachers Affiliate