Our Research Projects

The Center for Mental Health Promotion offers a variety of studies testing self-help tools to improve the mental health and wellbeing of individuals with disabilities in partnership with the Utah State University ACT Research Group and the Utah State University Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Research Center.

Participating in our research provides access to programs that may improve your mental health and wellbeing. Specifically, these programs often help folks experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, chronic health conditions, caregiver stress, and meeting individual goals. Through a self-help format you will have the chance to learn useful skills from anywhere at your own pace.

The list below highlights the current projects facilitated by the CMHP in partnership with our academic collaborators.

Current Projects

Valued Living: An ACT-Based Intervention for Autistic Adults (IRB protocol #13801) is a six-session online intervention created to increase overall well-being among autistic adults. This program was co-created with autistic adults.

The primary goals of this current study are to assess:
1. Whether it is feasible to recruit autistic adults to complete this online program
2. Whether the program is acceptable to autistic adults
3. Whether the program shows preliminary efficacy at improving mental health outcomes and quality of life among autistic adults

The results will inform applications to fund a full randomized control trial of the Valued Living program.

We are actively recruiting autistic adults (self-identified or diagnosed) living in the United States to participate in this study through May 31, 2024.

Dr. Ty B. Aller is the Principal Investigator of this study. Dr. Heather H. Kelley and Dr. Mike
Levin are Co-Investigators.



Compassion Compass: An ACT-Based Intervention for Adults with a Recent Dementia Diagnosis (IRB protocol #14297) is an online, single session intervention for that aims to improve quality of life among adults with a dementia diagnosis.

The primary goals of this current study are to assess:
1. Whether it is feasible to recruit adults with a recent dementia diagnosis to complete this online program
2. Whether the program is acceptable to adults with dementia
3. Whether the program shows preliminary efficacy at improving mental health outcomes and quality of life among adults with a recent dementia diagnosis

We will be recruiting participants with a recent dementia diagnosis beginning mid-summer 2024 through the fall.

Dr. Heather H. Kelley is the Principal Investigator of this study. Dr. Mike Levin is a Co-
Investigator. Funding was received from USU’s Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Center
(ADRC) for $24,628.38.

ACT Guide for Individuals with Chronic Health Conditions

ACT SSI for Alzheimer’s

ACT SSI for Autistic Adults