Emily Skadorwa

Training/Development Specialist

Emily Skadorwa

Contact Information

Phone: 509-438-6538
Email: emily.skadorwa@usu.edu
Additional Information:


Emily graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Spanish in 2020. She is currently a Masters candidate at Utah State University for the Master of Rehabilitation Counseling program and she is set to graduate in 2025. She is the sibling of an individual with a disability. She has been working in Disability Policy for about 5 years and advocating for disability rights for her entire life. She recently moved to Utah from Seattle, Washington with her partner. 
Emily is the founder of a nonprofit disability advocacy initiative titled "The SEED Project: Setting Expectations of Equity for Disabilities". She is currently employed with the Institute for Disability Research, Policy and Practice as a Training/Development Specialist. In her current role, she participates in training for person-centered planning, HCBS Final Settings Rule, and supported employment services for individuals with disabilities. In the future, she intends to pursue a doctorate in disability disciplines with a focus on competitive integrated employment for everyone.