- Meaningful Community Access & Supports for People Receiving HCBS Training
- Basic ACRE Employment Specialist Training
- Workplace Supports Training
- Strategies to Enhance the Quality of Life of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Training Manual for ICF/ID Staf
- A Guide to the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule
- Meaningful Community Access and Supports for People Receiving HCBS - Trainer Manual
Fact Sheets
- Home and Community-Based Services Waivers: Resources and Fact Sheet
- Easing Employer Concerns
- Promoting Informed Choice
- Paid Internships Lead to Positive Employment Outcomes
- Fading Job Coaching Supports
- Discovery: Exploring Neighborhood and Community Resources
- The Untapped Workforce: Dispelling Myths about Employment for Individuals with Disabilities
- What is a Job Coach? Informing Employers of Workplace Accommodations
- Supporting Employees with Healthcare Needs