The CEI is conducting research customized employment fidelity scales. The purpose of this research is to (a) establish the construct validity of the discovery fidelity scale (DFS) and job development fidelity scale (JDFS) by determining if the factor structure is theoretically established and (b) examine the convergent and predictive validity of the scales pertaining to employment outcomes.
- RQ1: Is the factor structure theoretically established on the discovery fidelity scale?
- RQ2: Is the factor structure theoretically established on the job development fidelity scale?
- RQ3: Does fidelity during the discovery (DFS) impact fidelity in the job development phase.
- RQ4: Does fidelity during development and impact employment outcomes such as job obtained and wages.
Staff on the Project
This project is funded through a contract with Griffin-Hammis Associates.
Published Research
Riesen, T., Snyder, A., Byers, R., Keeton, B., & Inge, K. (2023). An updated review of the customized employment literature. Journal of Rehabilitation, 58, 27-38. DOI:10.3233/JVR-221222
Riesen, T., Hall, S., Keeton, B., & Snyder, A. (2021). Internal consistency of the customized employment discovery fidelity scale: A preliminary study. Rehabilitation Counseling bulletin.
Riesen, T., Hall, S., Keeton B., & Snyder, A. (2021). Building consensus among experts regarding customized job development fidelity descriptors: A Delphi study. Journal of Rehabilitation, 87(3) 22-30.
Riesen, T. Hall, S., Keeton, B. & Jones, K. (2019). Customized employment discovery fidelity: Developing consensus among experts. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 50, (1), 23-37.