Congratulations, CPD Graduates!
The CPD salutes these 2019 graduates who both worked in our various projects and finished up their academic degrees. Congratulations to all of you! Here is a list of those who are receiving their degrees:
Ty Aller, PhD from USU’s Department of Human Development and Family Studies (Mental Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities National Training Center)
Alex Schiwal, PhD from USU’s Human Development and Family Services (CPD)
Bora Lee, EdD in Educational Leadership, from California State University, Los Angeles (UATP/VISTA)
LeeAnn Lundgreen, second Bachelor's, communicative disorders from USU (Center for Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education)
Lisa Rock, second Bachelor’s, communicative disorders from USU (Up to 3)
Carina Molina, Bachelor’s in Social Work from USU. (Lil Aggies preschool, social work intern).
Kierra Gibbons, Bacheolor’s in Social Work from USU, (UP to3 intern)
Kevin Dyslin, MS from USU in Human Development and Family Studies. (graduate assistant, Up to 3)
Teresa Larsen, MSW in Social Work from USU (Division of Research and Training)
Sarah Otteson, Bachelor’s from USU’s Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education department (Aggies Elevated)
Alyssa Henke, Masters of Business Administration, (Center for Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education)
Lindsey Thunell, Bachelor’s in human movement science from USU (Aggies Elevated)
Nate Lovell, Bachelor’s in Computer Science from USU (WebAIM)