Disability Skills Laboratory Update: Springing Into Summer

This month we celebrated many birthdays here at DSL! Many of our friends had birthdays and we were able to celebrate each birthday. Now that the weather has started to warm up we are all about being outside. We were able to have our first picnic at Willow Park for the season. We had sandwiches and chips, and watermelon and soda.
We also had a renovation! We no longer have a ramp coming into the building downstairs—they sloped the cement so it is much easier to get in and out of the building.
We went to the arcade and went bowling, one of our favorite activities. Some of us went to the movie to see I can only Imagine. It was a great movie!
Now that school is over, we said goodbye to some of our favorite staff. We will miss Sarah, and McKell. One of our staff left for China to study abroad for one month; we hope she will have many stories to tell us when she gets back!
We have lots of fun activities planned for May: We had a barbeque on our quad last week. We are planning our big field trip to go to the aquarium in Layton on May 25th.