Uintah Basin At Labs

By JoLynne Lyon | July 17, 2017
Clay in Demo Library

Clay Christensen displays a personal electronic assistant device and modular hose: examples of high- and low-tech AT. People at the CPD's AT Labs hear it all the time: disability can be expensive. They want to help. The AT labs, which are part of the CPD's Utah Assistive Technology Program, offer a demonstration library, stocked with items that people can try before they buy. This saves families the expense of buying item after item and discovering it doesn't quite fit the need. The demonstration libraries in Logan and the Uintah Basin now have some now, hot technology, including Liftware utensils for people with tremors or contractured hands; voice-activated, electronic personal assistants (Chrome and Alexa), iPads loaded with apps for all kinds of disabilities, and much more. Here's a more complete look at AT available for Utahns to try at both AT Labs:

Demonstration library inventory

Most items can be “checked out,” and all can be demonstrated at the AT Labs in Logan and Roosevelt.

More Info
For more information contact Clay Christensen (Logan) or Cameron Cressall (Roosevelt).


Augmentative and alternative communication software for both Apple and personal computers, including Boardmaker iPads loaded with AT apps (Augmentative and alternative communication, reading and comprehension aids, specialized apps for people with vision, hearing or motor loss) Liftware eating utensils Mobility devices Programs and assistive devices for people who have difficulties using a mouse or keyboard, including JAWS and  Dragon Smart pens Vehicle adaptions Voice-activated electronic assistants (Alexa and Chrome)


Adapted eating utensils & a feeding kit; includes custom-made, adapted silverware Daily living aids Mobility devices Modular hose (used for mounting devices, Logan lab only) Custom-made AT (can also be made on request, usually for the cost of materials)

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